2015 Cult Classic Crossfit Competition… One Long Ass Day
09 Feb-2015

Whew, that was a very long and very hard day. After 6 WOD’s Guillermo and I came in 7th overall. The two teams in front of us were from our Box as well so Crossfit Squad finished 5th, 6th and 7th overall in Mens Intermedia (Producer) division out of 34 teams. Alex’s team came in 5th in her division out of 26 teams. Not bad for our first real competition!

Here are the overall scores for everyone.

Here are our scores. Damien Komala & Guillermo Salazar, the “Professionals”:

F#@K! ASS!

Male Producer DIVISION RANK 11
88.000 (+11.000)


Male Producer DIVISION RANK 11
00:05:56.000 (+11.000)

ITS JUST A BAR FIGHT (sled pull)

Male Producer DIVISION RANK 23
00:09:07.000 (+23.000)

IL DUCE A (kettle bells)

Male Producer DIVISION RANK 4
86.000 (+4.000)

IL DUCE B (hanging snatches)

Male Producer DIVISION RANK 15
49.000 (+15.000)

IL DUCE C (box jumps)

Male Producer DIVISION RANK 8
87.000 (+8.000)

IL DUCE D (shoulder to overheads)

Male Producer DIVISION RANK 1
131.000 (+1.000)

IL DUCE E (row for calories)

Male Producer DIVISION RANK 3
78.000 (+3.000)

ROCCOS RANT (dumbest WOD ever)

Male Producer DIVISION RANK 6
00:08:32.000 (+6.000)

FLOATER (running the bleachers)

Male Producer DIVISION RANK 11
5.500 (+11.000)


Male Producer DIVISION RANK 7
93.000 (+7.000)