After a full weekend of beach volleyball and beach flag football it was time to get the board out and hit the water. As always, it felt amazing just to be out in the ocean again. I had my goPro with me and this is the entirety of my surf day in one
After a full weekend of beach volleyball and beach flag football it was time to get the board out and hit the water. As always, it felt amazing just to be out in the ocean again. I had my goPro with me and this is the entirety of my surf day in one
Well, I've never done one of these but hell, I'll give it a shot. This year has to be one of the shittiest in recent memory but there were some good things that happened this year. Seeing Elton once again after almost 20 years was awesome as
Probably the most lackluster birthday I've ever had. I did nothing but move the entire weekend + Monday (my 40th birthday). Bishop and I made our way down to G's Boathouse for lunch but other than that, really I did nothing fun. Hopefully I'll have
So I finally finished my last two dives yesterday to complete my PADI certification. Unfortunately my rental gear was quite shit. My suit had a quarter sized hole right in the taint, talk about letting some cold water in right at the wrong spot. My
Well, it won't happen until December but the time is coming soon and my current apartment is almost a memory. A bad, kind of shitty memory. It's not a bad place but it's surrounded by screaming kids and nowhere near the beach / downwtown. The new
It was good to spend time with my twin sister, Sheizka, last weekend. Ok, maybe it was a bit longer than a weekend but I'm glad she had a chance to come visit. I did my best to show her around where I've had a chance to explore and hang out over the
But man, he's a good looking boy. Honestly I love taking Bishop to work with me every day. He makes traffic much easier.
I'm still trying to get into the groove around here. This morning I got my ass up at 5am and decided to hit the gym hoping to catch a glimpse of what the surf was looking like. Workout was great and I feel so much better right now than I have been. I
Today marks the last day at PMP Marketing Group. Three long years of designing and building law firm websites has come to a close and a new chapter in California awaits. The next couple days will be filled with final preparations for my moving POD,
It's official, I'm on my way to Huntington Beach, California. Apartment is sorted out, Jeep shipping has been scheduled, etc, etc. All I need now is a plane ticket for Bishop and myself and to pack up all my shit in a shipping pod and we're gone. The