It was good to spend time with my twin sister, Sheizka, last weekend. Ok, maybe it was a bit longer than a weekend but I'm glad she had a chance to come visit. I did my best to show her around where I've had a chance to explore and hang out over the
It was good to spend time with my twin sister, Sheizka, last weekend. Ok, maybe it was a bit longer than a weekend but I'm glad she had a chance to come visit. I did my best to show her around where I've had a chance to explore and hang out over the
Last weekend marked the first of us 5 Komala kids to get married. My little sister Sara tied the knot in Berlin, New Jersey and the whole clan was there. We had a great time and it was so good to see everyone.
So Friday Alex, my twin sister Sheizka and I got a chance to start the 15.1 Crossfit Open WOD. Here's the breakdown: Workout 15.1 9-minute AMRAP: 15 toes-to-bars 10 deadlifts 5 snatches (M 115 lb. / F 75 lb.) My final score was