Sheizka Came To Visit
03 Jun-2016

It was good to spend time with my twin sister, Sheizka, last weekend. Ok, maybe it was a bit longer than a weekend but I'm glad she had a chance to come visit. I did my best to show her around where I've had a chance to explore and hang out over the

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Weekend Komala Wedding
14 Oct-2015

Last weekend marked the first of us 5 Komala kids to get married. My little sister Sara tied the knot in Berlin, New Jersey and the whole clan was there. We had a great time and it was so good to see everyone.

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Started the Crossfit Open Last Friday
Started the Crossfit Open Last Friday
Started the Crossfit Open Last Friday
Started the Crossfit Open Last Friday
Started the Crossfit Open Last Friday
Started the Crossfit Open Last Friday
Started the Crossfit Open Last Friday
Started the Crossfit Open Last Friday
Started the Crossfit Open Last Friday
Started the Crossfit Open Last Friday
Started the Crossfit Open Last Friday
Started the Crossfit Open Last Friday
Started the Crossfit Open Last Friday
Started the Crossfit Open Last Friday
Started the Crossfit Open Last Friday
Started the Crossfit Open Last Friday
Started the Crossfit Open Last Friday
Started the Crossfit Open Last Friday
Started the Crossfit Open Last Friday
Started the Crossfit Open Last Friday
Started the Crossfit Open Last Friday
03 Mar-2015

So Friday Alex, my twin sister Sheizka and I got a chance to start the 15.1 Crossfit Open WOD. Here's the breakdown: Workout 15.1 9-minute AMRAP: 15 toes-to-bars 10 deadlifts 5 snatches (M 115 lb. / F 75 lb.) My final score was

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