This Saturday is going to be one long ass day… Teams of two compete. This is what the Intermediate division looks like.
WOD 1 – F**k Ass
7 Minute cap
20 alternating partner squat cleans @155 lbs.
Remaining time – Burpee chest to bar pull-up
WOD 2 – Stupid Rope
7 minute cap
Each partner performs 1 round of:
15 burps onto plate
400 meter sprint around the track
50 double unders
Time called then directly into WOD3
WOD 3 – It’s Just a Bar Fight
100 meter 65 lb. sled pull each
WOD 4 – Il Duce
3 Rounds of 1 minute max rep stations each:
Kettle bell swings @53 lbs.
Hang Snatch @95 lbs.
Box Jump-overs 24”
Shoulder to Overhead @75 lbs. (updated)
Max Calorie Row
5 total scores
WOD 5 – ?
Yet to be announced but I have a feeling it’s going to be some kind of crazy chipper and for sure, one partner will have to do a distance hand stand walk.