This little guy is staying with us for awhile. His name is Barnaby and even though he's adorable, he's a little handful. At least Bishop now has a friend to hang out with and play with during the day. Now if only we can get him to stop peeing from
This little guy is staying with us for awhile. His name is Barnaby and even though he's adorable, he's a little handful. At least Bishop now has a friend to hang out with and play with during the day. Now if only we can get him to stop peeing from
Even though we didn't get a chance to go surfing, we had a great time in California. Thanks to Julie in Los Angeles and Brett and Sharon in Newport Beach.... what a great time. We'll be back soon!
Just part of my DBA morning at Crossfit Squad. Glad I got this one on video though since I missed the hanging clean on the next weight at 225 lb. Next time. Next time. Always feels too early for throwing that kind of weight around.
After a few months of neck pain and a couple weeks of upper back pain Alex got us an appointment to see a local chiropractor. The first adjustment was yesterday... second was this morning (at $30 a pop). It looks like I have some disk and spinal
Friday night marked the end of the Crossfit Open 2015 for me and it ended with a painful WOD. For one, I loathe I really hate them. The WOD broke down like this: Workout 15.5 27-21-15-9 reps for time of: Row
So the OPEN WOD 5.4 kicked my ass. So much so that even considering doing it again seems daunting. I burnt my shoulders out in the first 3 rounds and wasn't able to even complete the final 12 before moving on to the 6 cleans. Both Guillermo and
Though I wasn't able to get any pictures of my own, I was able to complete 15.3 on Saturday morning. Alex was my judge and yes she did "no-rep" me a few times on those damn wall balls. Man those sucked. I was a little wary about the muscle-ups but
And it's a doozy, espeically for those who don't have their muscle-ups yet. I've only been able to string together 4 or 5 so tonight we'll see if I can get it done. I actually went in this morning and went through the movements to see how they feel
Friday marked another night of the 2015 Crossfit Open over at The Crossfit Squad with "Friday Night Lights". That one was a bit tougher than everyone thought it was going to be. Here was the WOD breakdown: Workout 15.2 For as long as
This was my old PR (205 lbs.) up until last week. Still working on a good heavy split jerk. Not quite sure how to go from a full rack to overhead yet with a broken wrist. I almost feel like this looks too easy and I should really be getting lower and
So Friday Alex, my twin sister Sheizka and I got a chance to start the 15.1 Crossfit Open WOD. Here's the breakdown: Workout 15.1 9-minute AMRAP: 15 toes-to-bars 10 deadlifts 5 snatches (M 115 lb. / F 75 lb.) My final score was